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Merlin Wiki

It's a Sorcerer's Chime, to give it its proper name.
Gaius to Alice[src]

Sorcerer's Chimes (also known as Totems of Healing) are magical instruments that promote healing. They are constructed of crystals, each of which bears an elemental sign of the Old Religion. When the chimes have been enchanted, the crystals resonate and their music gives succor to the ailing and the sick.


Alice gave a Sorcerer's Chime and an enchanted potion to the innkeeper, Evoric, when he was deathly ill. Evoric hung the chimes in the inn's doorway and their music (together with the potion) cured him.

When the king ordered Gaius to investigate Evoric's miraculous recovery, he recognized the chimes as Alice's work and later lied to Uther to protect her, claiming that the innkeeper had been healed by ordinary medicine rather than magic (Love in the Time of Dragons).
