Merlin Wiki
Merlin Wiki

What are you going to do? Kill me?"
"You don't think I can?
Merlin and Morgana[src]

The first duel between Merlin and Morgana occurred during the Great Battle for Camelot.


When Morgause and Cenred invaded Camelot, Morgana acted as their spy and used the Rowan Staff to summon an army of undead skeletons. Though Merlin begged her to call off the attack, Morgana refused to be reasoned with and Merlin was forced to try to destroy the Staff himself.

Morgana knocked the sword from Merlin's hand, then drew her own and attacked him. He dodged the blow and retrieved his sword from the floor. After a fierce battle, Morgana disarmed Merlin, who ducked behind a nearby tomb and used his magic to cause the ceiling to collapse on top of her, knocking her unconscious.

Merlin quickly enchanted a sword and destroyed the Rowan Staff, causing the undead skeletons to crumble and turning the tide of the battle. Morgana later took the credit for this act in order to keep her cover and to prevent Merlin from revealing her treachery (The Tears of Uther Pendragon).



See Also

Series 1: Merlin vs. ArthurArthur vs. ValiantMerlin vs. Edwin MuirdenSir Owain vs. Tristan de BoisSir Pellinore vs. Tristan de BoisUther vs. Tristan de BoisArthur vs. EvanMerlin vs. TaurenMerlin vs. KilgharrahMerlin vs. Nimueh
Series 2: Merlin vs. JonasArthur vs. MorgauseArthur vs UtherOlaf vs. ArthurArthur vs. Kilgharrah
Series 3: Merlin vs. MorganaMerlin vs. the GoblinMerlin vs. the Sidhe ElderGilli vs. NollarUther vs. GilliMorgause vs. Merlin & Gaius
Series 4: Morgana vs Knights of CamelotUther vs. The GleemanArthur vs. DerianEmrys vs. the Knights of the Round TableEmrys vs. MorganaArthur vs. Lancelot (Shade)Arthur vs. ElyanArthur vs. HeliosGuinevere vs. Morgana
Series 5: Merlin vs. Uther's SpiritArthur vs. OdinElyan vs. Enchanted SwordArthur vs. AlbinEmrys vs. the DochraidMordred vs. MorganaMerlin vs. Morgana